A unique team working in harmony

Workplace Strategy Group brings together a unique team of affiliated experts to create a powerful taskforce to cover every aspect of workplace transformation.


Our professionals are caring, insightful and thrive on the collaborative process. Our team works in harmony with one another from the early stages of each project to completion, then beyond. 

Engage early to understand your need

Workplace Strategy Group engages early in the process and takes qualitative time to fully understand your goals and the challenges or opportunities facing your organisation. Our early engagement paves the way to a smooth transition and transformation of your workplace.


We undertake leadership, stakeholder and workforce envisioning sessions to establish a baseline that allows on going evaluation of the effectiveness of our solutions. These sessions are designed by our entire team – with each team member providing valuable insights into the required solutions.


Unique to Workplace Strategy Group is our Wellbeing & Mental Health team which uses a scientifically-based and data-led approach to assess wellbeing in the workplace and implement fundamental strategies at every level to create a more effective workforce.


Our simple process brings life to new ways of working

Workplace Strategy Group harnesses the power of our best-practice process to translate insights about your organisation into dynamic new ways of working that support your workforce’s wellbeing and mental health.


The outcome – your company and your workforce reimagined

By rethinking the way your company works, Workplace Strategy Group improves the experience for your workforce while supporting their wellbeing. Improvements in workforce collaboration and customer experiences help maximise your productivity and boost your market share.


From centralised or decentralised physical offices, to home offices and digital workspaces, right through to hybrid models, our approach ensures your workforce remains engaged, connected and energised, no matter where, when or how they work.